k Slang With Me: Funny little line

Monday, October 02, 2006

Funny little line

"(i don't read blogs [anymore]; so why should i start one)"

That was posted on the newly launched www.SENFF.com Funny, He doesn't want to start one, but that's exactly what he did. Comment section and everything included. I never was be able to figure him out, and I probably never will. I'm sure he's going to have some good reading material though! always did like Senff's sites no matter if it was Lep related one or something he pulled out of his own brain. The only thing I don't get is, apparently some people had some inside links though cause it wasn't supposed to be launched until Today (the 2nd) but, He' made a post yesterday and had comments. Ahhh...the lucky ones. Oh well. Glad he's back, it's about time!